Sunday, 14 June 2020

UVEX Spectroscope

The UVEX spectroscope is a new instrument enabling amateur astronomers to study stars in near ultraviolet (for hot active stars) and infrared (for cooler stars and comets).

Designed by Christian Buil and developed by a team of French amateur astronomers, the spectroscope uses mirrors to avoid chromatic aberration which causes colour fringing in simple lenses. The optical design is based on the Czerny-Turner spectroscope shown below. A cylindrical lens is used to reduce the astigmatism inherent in the design.

The spectral range is 3200 to 8600 Angstroms or more, depending on the camera and telescope. Ozone in the Earth's upper atmosphere absorbs light strongly below 3200 Angstroms. The optimal resolution is R=750 (using a 300 lines/mm grating) but R=3600 can be achieved using a 1200 lines/mm grating.


The construction cost is around £300 for the optical parts (plus entrance slit) with most of the structural parts made by 3D printing. The optical parts are listed below. Plans, downloadable parts and tutorials are available on the project website (

Part Description
Grating ThorLabs GR25-305 (300 lines/mm)
Mirror M1 (fl 150mm) ThorLabs CM254-074-G01 ?
Mirror M2 (fl 200mm) ThorLabs CM254-100-G01 ?
Cylindrical lens ThorLabs LJ1934L1-A

Astronomical targets

The ultraviolet (UV) spectrum is important in the study of Be stars, which are hot stars (temperatures around 12,000 to 30,000 Kelvin) with prominent lines such as hydrogen in emission. The Hydrogen alpha line shows double-peaked emission at high resolution (R~10000) indicating a rotating disk of material around the star. According to a recent paper (Cochetti et al 2020), a significant number of Be stars also show a second Balmer discontinuity which can be investigated using the UVEX spectroscope.


Tuesday, 27 March 2018

SWHAS 50th Anniversary

History of the Society

Former Chairman Graham Marett gave a very interesting talk on 23rd March describing some key events in the history of the South-west Herts Astronomical Society (SWHAS). The society was founded after a chance encounter in the Watford camera shop with the first meeting held on 23rd February 1968. The first chairman was Jan Willemsteyn. In 1970 the meeting venue moved to the Royal Masonic School where meetings still take place today.

The observatory at Flaunden (named "High Top" by Jan) was established in 1974 with a small plot of land leased from a local farmer. Colin Reeve led construction of the dome which was equipped with a 3.5-inch Cooke refractor. In 1982 the Octagon building was constructed to house the Cooke instrument while a 10-inch reflector was installed in the main observatory. In 1998 Allan Swan began construction of a larger 14-inch reflector which was in regular service until 2015, when it was replaced with a Celestron C11 Schmidt-Cassegrain on a modern computerised EQ8 mount.

Stargazing event

The Society hosted a Stargazing event on 24th March at the recently reopened Hub in Cassiobury park. Needless to say the weather was cloudy with rain showers but there were plenty of space-themed activities indoors. As well as the exhibition (on display until 7th April) we were lucky to have Apollo rock samples, meteorites, a full-size astronaut's spacesuit, and an aerospace engineer from Surrey Satellite systems.

Photo gallery


Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Servicing a Skywatcher Powertank

My 7 Amp-hour powertank has unfortunately been out of action after I left the 12V power circuit switched on for a prolonged period. The battery never recharged to capacity and I replaced it with the Celestron Lithium powertank which has a very similar capacity (7.2 Ah) plus is lighter to carry. Its only drawback is not supporting a 12V cigarette lighter socket for CCD cameras or dew heaters.

The engineer in me hankered for a repair and so one evening last November I took the powertank apart with a Philips screwdriver for the 8 screws around the case, and a T-bar socket for the bolt holding the front lamp. The battery, a sealed lead-acid unit located in the base of the powertank, was easily removed. Rapid Electronics swiftly sent out a replacement and testing with a 30 Ohm dew strap (0.4A load at 12V) was a complete success.

Job done, and thanks to my brother for inspiring me to make the repair!

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Solar Oscillations Demo

One of my favourite programs from Sky and Telescope magazine's Astronomical Computing column was one which produced a visualisation of oscillations on the surface of the Sun. Although these oscillations were discovered in 1960 they gained more attention during the 1990s due to the very successful MDI instrument on board the SOHO spacecraft.

The program uses Legendre polynomials to illustrate the red- and blueshift of light due to pressure waves at the surface. The user specifies the degree L (typically up to 150) and order M (not exceeding L) of the oscillation mode. In reality the Sun contains many such wave modes superimposed.

Below is a mostly faithful port to C/C++ using bitmap output to ensure cross-platform compatibility. I'm using GCC version 5.3 and the code should compile on almost any PC or ARM-based computer (for example Raspberry Pi). The bitmap writing function assumes a little-endian CPU.

 Solar Surface Oscillations
 SOLAROSC.BAS by John Kennewell
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

void writeBitmapFile(int x, int y, unsigned int *data);

using namespace std;

class LegendrePoly
 static const double HALF_PI = 3.1415926535897936 / 2.0;
 static const int SAMPLES = 400;

 LegendrePoly(int _l, int _m)
  : l(_l), m(_m)

 ~LegendrePoly() {}

 double evaluate(const double cost)
  int idx = (cost + 1.0) * SAMPLES / 2;
  return p[idx];
 // Generate Legendre function
 void generate()
  double max_val = 0;
  for(int xi = 0; xi < SAMPLES; ++xi)
   double x = ((double)xi - SAMPLES/2) / (SAMPLES/2);
   double d = sqrt(1 - x*x);
   double p1 = exp(l * log(d)), p2 = 0; // p1 = (1 - x^2)^(l/2)

   for(int li = 1; li <= (2*l - 1); li += 2)
    p1 *= li;

   if ((m >= l) || p1 == 0) continue;
   double pm;
   for (int mi = l-1; mi>=m; --mi)
    pm = 2 * (mi+1) * x * p1 / d - p2;
    pm /= ((l-mi) * (l+mi + 1));
    p2 = p1; p1 = pm;
   p[xi] = p1;
   if(abs(p1) > max_val)
    max_val = abs(p1);
  // normalise
  for(int xi = 0; xi < SAMPLES; ++xi)
   p[xi] /= max_val;

 const int l, m; // Degree and order of Legendre function
 double p[SAMPLES]; // polynomial coeffs

unsigned int colourLookup(double s)
 // rc = rd * INT((15 - i) * 4.5)
 // bc = bl * INT((i - 1) * 4.5)
 // gc = gn * INT((7 - ABS(8 - i)) * 4.5)
 unsigned int red =   (unsigned int)((1-s) * 255);
 unsigned int blue =  (unsigned int)(s * 255);
 unsigned int green =  (unsigned int)((0.6 - abs(s-0.5)) * 255);
 return (blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16));

int main(int argc, char **argv)
 int L, M;
 unsigned int data[400*400];

 cout << "Enter degree L and order M: ";
 cin >> L >> M;
 cout << "Solar Global Oscillations, Mode L =" << L << ", M =" << M << endl;

 LegendrePoly poly(L,M);

 // Plot solar hemisphere
 double s;
 for(int y=0; y<400; ++y)
  double cost = (y-200.0) / 200;
  double sint = sqrt(1 - cost*cost);
  double pm = poly.evaluate(cost);
  for(int x=0; x<400; ++x)
   double sinf = (x-200.0) / 200 / sint;
   if ((sinf > -1) || (sinf < 1))
    double cosf = sqrt(1 - sinf*sinf);
    double phi = LegendrePoly::HALF_PI * sinf / abs(sinf);
    if (cosf != 0)
     phi = atan2(sinf, cosf);
    s = pm * cos(M * phi) * sint * cosf;
    data[400*y+x] = colourLookup(s/2+0.5);
 writeBitmapFile(400, 400, data);

void writeBitmapFile(int x, int y, unsigned int *data)
 FILE *fp;
 fp = fopen("solar_osc.bmp", "w");

 /* BMP header */
 fwrite("BM", 2, 1, fp);
 int filesize = x*y*4 + 14 + 40; // 4 bytes per pixel
 fwrite(&filesize, sizeof(filesize), 1, fp);
 // reserved 
 fwrite("SOLO", 4, 1, fp);
 // offset to image data
 int offset = 40;
 fwrite(&offset, sizeof(offset), 1, fp);

 int hdrsize = 40; // header size in Bytes
 fwrite(&hdrsize, sizeof(hdrsize), 1, fp);
 fwrite(&x, 4, 1, fp);
 fwrite(&y, 4, 1, fp);

 short num_planes = 1, color_depth = 32;
 fwrite(&num_planes, 2, 1, fp);
 fwrite(&color_depth, 2, 1, fp);

 int comp_format = 0;
 fwrite(&comp_format, 4, 1, fp);
 int size = x*y*4; // 4 bytes per pixel
 fwrite(&size, sizeof(size), 1, fp);

 fwrite(&x, 4, 1, fp);
 fwrite(&y, 4, 1, fp);
 char padding[] = {0,0,0,0};
 fwrite(padding, 4, 2, fp);

 // image data
 fwrite(data, size, 1, fp);


Sunday, 31 August 2014

Using libINDI with an Atik camera on Linux

In June I obtained an Atik 314L+ cooled CCD camera which I plan to use primarily for spectroscopy (see Shelyak Instruments). As a Linux user I needed a Linux USB driver and also an easy-to-use image capture program.

Three tools need to be set up to use the camera:

  1. Atik linux driver
  2. Wrapper interface known as libINDI which is widely adopted for astronomical CCD cameras, filter wheels and mounts. It is based on a client-server model using XML to pass commands between the client (for example KStars) and a server which interacts with the USB device such as a camera.
  3. KStars, which contains a module named Ekos for image capture. Version 2.2 or later is required.

1. Atik linux driver

Install the Debian or RPM atikccd package from Both 32-bit (X86) and 64-bit (X86_64) are supported as well as ARM11 architecture used in the Raspberry Pi.

Check the installation was successful by attaching the Atik camera and running:


I've tried Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 without any problem.

2. libINDI

On Ubuntu the package libindi0 and libindi-data can be installed from the repository. The latest version (0.9.8 at time of writing) is available by adding Jason Mutlaq's repository.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa

You will also need libindi-dev if you build KStars from source (see below), or if you plan to write your own libINDI client. (Fun project for a rainy weekend?)

3. KStars

You need at least version 2.2 for the Ekos image capture module, which I find easy to use and well-integrated with the rest of KStars. As it's a KDE program you need several support libraries to run on Gnome-based Ubuntu.

Ubuntu 14.04

Simply install KStars from the Ubuntu Software Centre (or using apt-get on the command line).

Ubuntu 12.04

I have a Dell Mini 10 netbook using the Intel Poulsbo chipset which may not be fully supported in Ubuntu 14.04. As I have OpenGL acceleration working more-or-less well I decided to stick with Ubuntu 12.04 which ships with KStars 2.0. Hence I needed to build the latest KStars (tag v4.14.0 at the time of writing; the tag corresponds to the targeted KDE version) to get the Ekos module.

There are helpful instructions at Building KStars. In addition to the package dependencies listed there, you may need to install.

apt-get install libindi-dev kdelibs5-experimental-dev

Finally you should be able to select Atik CCD from the menu and capture a test exposure which can be saved in FITS format. The image below shows a spectrum of Spica taken on 14th June. Spica was close to the window frame hence the stray light!


Thursday, 31 January 2013

Setting up a Django-Nginx web server on Raspberry Pi

Today I installed the Django web framework on my Raspberry Pi, using Nginx as the web server and fastcgi to delegate page requests to Django. Here is a summary of the steps involved, for future reference. I hope it's effective so please comment if anything is unclear.

1. Install Django and Nginx

I used Paul Hallett's one-click installer. When it finishes it reports the Django version (such as 1.4.1) if successful. Note that his script installs a local version of Python so bear in mind some packages may need to be symlinked to work.

2. Configure Nginx

There's a useful and informative article on using Nginx for personal websites on Ars Technica. Ignore the part to install the development version because there isn't a pre-built package for the ARM11 CPU used in the Raspberry Pi. Once installed (I'm using nginx version 1.2.1 from the Raspbian repository), you need to edit the file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

worker_processes 1;
The Raspberry Pi has only a single CPU core so there's no need for more than one worker process. This file can also be tweaked for compressing large files, and to improve security (not covered here).

Create a new website corresponding to a URL such as by copying the default file. Name it according to your URL.

cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
cp default www
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/www /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
The last 2 commands enable your new site and disable the default one. Edit the new file as follows:
server {
 listen   80;
 #listen   [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

 root /var/html/www;
 index index.html index.htm;
 access_log /var/log/nginx/www.access.log;
 error_log /var/log/nginx/www.error.log;

 # Make site accessible from http://localhost/
 server_name localhost;

 location / {
  # First attempt to serve request as file, then
  # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
  # try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
  # Uncomment to enable naxsi on this location
  # include /etc/nginx/naxsi.rules

  # Django
  include fastcgi_params;

The root tag is where your website files would normally be installed. However, your Django site can be placed anywhere. The access_log and error_log tags are useful for logging information. The important tags are include fastcgi_params and fastcgi_pass which tells nginx to forward page requests to Django on port 8080. See the Django and Nginx Wiki for further info. Restart nginx to load your new settings.

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload

3. Set up Django and fastcgi

Install Flup and ensure it's in your Python path (check your local configuration). Version 0.5 or later should be ok, I have 1.0 from the Raspbian repo.

sudo aptitude install python-flup
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flup* \

4. Create a test website

Following the Django tutorial, create your test site as follows. startproject mysite
cd mysite
python ./ runfcgi host= port=8080
Your website is now running and if all goes well Nginx will forward requests to port 8080. Type in the IP address of your Raspberry Pi into a browser window on another machine, and you should see a welcome to Django message. That means it worked! :)


Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Extrasolar planets -- 1 year later

Last October (2010) I wrote a post on extrasolar planets. At that time almost 500 planets beyond our Solar System had been discovered. In the past year, 200 new planets have been confirmed, so I decided it's time to update the chart!

There are a number of recent discoveries around 10 Earth masses (0.03 Jupiter masses) and an over abundance of planets at 0.05 AU (7 million kilometres) from their parent Sun, the well-known 'hot Jupiters'. There is another class of cooler giant planets around 1-5 AU. Several 'super Earths' discovered by micro-lensing can also be seen on the chart.

Will there be 1000 known planets when I update the chart in autumn 2012? Let's see!